Kid: I thought you'd be a rude guy, Bakugo but turns out you're an otaku.

    Kid: I thought you'd be a rude guy, Bakugo but turns out you're an otaku.

    The kid leaves to talk to the guys at the gym. Kid: Bakugo, you're a nice guy. Let's talk about AM again! Deku: Sure (⌒‿⌒) Deku: Now back to class.

    The kid leaves to talk to the guys at the gym.
Kid: Bakugo, you're a nice guy. Let's talk about AM again!
Deku: Sure (⌒‿⌒)
Deku: Now back to class.

    Deku: I forgot to say I wasn't the real Kacchan. Deku: (What would he have said to him? That kid and Kacchan are very similar, both have a strong quirk and are confident.) Deku: It's like " I don't WANT to be a hero, I WILL be a hero." Robot: Katsuki Bakugo. Deku: Eh? I passed!

    Deku: I forgot to say I wasn't the real Kacchan.
Deku: (What would he have said to him? That kid and Kacchan are very similar, both have a strong quirk and are confident.)
Deku: It's like " I don't WANT to be a hero, I WILL be a hero."
Robot: Katsuki Bakugo.
Deku: Eh? I passed!
    Deku: I forgot to say I wasn't the real Kacchan.
Deku: (What would he have said to him? That kid and Kacchan are very similar, both have a strong quirk and are confident.)
Deku: It's like " I don't WANT to be a hero, I WILL be a hero."
Robot: Katsuki Bakugo.
Deku: Eh? I passed!

    Bakugo: How much longer are you going to follow me? Kiri: He's being monitored a lot. Mina: Because he hasn't thrown away his pride Bakugo: Shut it. Sero: Oi, Bakugo there's a kid here for you. Kid: Bakugo! I did what you said and we reconciled. Talking leads to world peace. (?)

    Bakugo: How much longer are you going to follow me?
Kiri: He's being monitored a lot.
Mina: Because he hasn't thrown away his pride
Bakugo: Shut it.
Sero: Oi, Bakugo there's a kid here for you.
Kid: Bakugo! I did what you said and we reconciled. Talking leads to world peace. (?)
    Bakugo: How much longer are you going to follow me?
Kiri: He's being monitored a lot.
Mina: Because he hasn't thrown away his pride
Bakugo: Shut it.
Sero: Oi, Bakugo there's a kid here for you.
Kid: Bakugo! I did what you said and we reconciled. Talking leads to world peace. (?)

    Bakugo: Hah? You talking to me? [Image] [Real] Kid: THAT'S NOT BAKUGO! Deku: Aaah! Wait! Let me explain-- Bakugo: WHAT'S UP WITH THIS BRAT?!

    Bakugo: Hah? You talking to me?
[Image] [Real]
Deku: Aaah! Wait! Let me explain--