I was actually wondering why she was called "wife" but if this is true then I'mma laugh. This is how you do a "they are secondary and barely addressed for a reason" at least she her own presence in the few appearances she had.

    I was actually wondering why she was called "wife" but if this is true then I'mma laugh. This is how you do a "they are secondary and barely addressed for a reason" at least she her own presence in the few appearances she had.

    I love this a lot 🥺💕💕💕💕 Yuka and Mori, precious babies.

    I love this a lot 🥺💕💕💕💕 Yuka and Mori, precious babies.

    Lo bros que son pero sin masculinidad tóxica, los quiero mucho. No me cabe el asombro de pensar "seguro lo dejan xq es re cursi hacer arte" pero son los que más lo apoyaron para que entre 😭 a veces me olvido que Yatora se supone es un delincuente porque es tan wholesome.

    Lo bros que son pero sin masculinidad tóxica, los quiero mucho. No me cabe el asombro de pensar "seguro lo dejan xq es re cursi hacer arte" pero son los que más lo apoyaron para que entre 😭  a veces me olvido que Yatora se supone es un delincuente porque es tan wholesome.

    Thinking about the random doodles Horikoshi made for the exhibition.

    Thinking about the random doodles Horikoshi made for the exhibition.
    Thinking about the random doodles Horikoshi made for the exhibition.
    Thinking about the random doodles Horikoshi made for the exhibition.
    Thinking about the random doodles Horikoshi made for the exhibition.

    Kirishima knows that if you don't stick with the popular dudes you become an irrelevant extra with no arc and he's trying to get his paycheck in the Actor AU Hori writes.

    Kirishima knows that if you don't stick with the popular dudes you become an irrelevant extra with no arc and he's trying to get his paycheck in the Actor AU Hori writes.