"I'll live a healthy and civilized life with a minimum standard of living, just you watch!" "He built a nice house!!" "Amazing, Kacchan. I should secure my own place too." "What did you do for your own house, All Might?"

    "I'll live a healthy and civilized life with a minimum standard of living, just you watch!"
"He built a nice house!!" 
"Amazing, Kacchan. I should secure my own place too."
"What did you do for your own house, All Might?"
    "I'll live a healthy and civilized life with a minimum standard of living, just you watch!"
"He built a nice house!!" 
"Amazing, Kacchan. I should secure my own place too."
"What did you do for your own house, All Might?"

    Slowly, AM's memories are coming back but it's all bad stuff. He tells Deku he built a bunch of houses trying to find the one that was most comfortable to him (lol) "I see, you've been through a lot on this island" [Puppy eyes] "Tell me about it, I want to know a lot more!"

    Slowly, AM's memories are coming back but it's all bad stuff. He tells Deku he built a bunch of houses trying to find the one that was most comfortable to him (lol) 
"I see, you've been through a lot on this island"
[Puppy eyes]
"Tell me about it, I want to know a lot more!"
    Slowly, AM's memories are coming back but it's all bad stuff. He tells Deku he built a bunch of houses trying to find the one that was most comfortable to him (lol) 
"I see, you've been through a lot on this island"
[Puppy eyes]
"Tell me about it, I want to know a lot more!"

    All Might will try to remember everything for his beloved pupil. (he's such a simp this chapter pfft)

    All Might will try to remember everything for his beloved pupil. (he's such a simp this chapter pfft)

    Deku decides to collect some food and wonders if those mushrooms are edible. AM remembers he had tried them before and warns Deku ab how he almost died. He is finally getting his memories back but he feels he's forgetting something important.

    Deku decides to collect some food and wonders if those mushrooms are edible. AM remembers he had tried them before and warns Deku ab how he almost died. He is finally getting his memories back but he feels he's forgetting something important.
    Deku decides to collect some food and wonders if those mushrooms are edible. AM remembers he had tried them before and warns Deku ab how he almost died. He is finally getting his memories back but he feels he's forgetting something important.
    Deku decides to collect some food and wonders if those mushrooms are edible. AM remembers he had tried them before and warns Deku ab how he almost died. He is finally getting his memories back but he feels he's forgetting something important.

    The drug-induced doodle AM imagines has the form of Charlotte the Witch from Madoka Magica 😂

    The drug-induced doodle AM imagines has the form of Charlotte the Witch from Madoka Magica 😂
    The drug-induced doodle AM imagines has the form of Charlotte the Witch from Madoka Magica 😂