Their example shows Nejire, Tsuyu and Ochako eating sweets in a café. You can either draw it like this or just write your idea. (I imagine drawing will be easier for overseas fans, just google characters names from the Wikia + simple words in translators to make your point)

    Their example shows Nejire, Tsuyu and Ochako eating sweets in a café. You can either draw it like this or just write your idea. (I imagine drawing will be easier for overseas fans, just google characters names from the Wikia + simple words in translators to make your point)

    Ah, I always thought it was a lady flying Jeanist😞

    Ah, I always thought it was a lady flying Jeanist😞
    Ah, I always thought it was a lady flying Jeanist😞

    Me dieron dos ecobolsas 🥺 la de Guts es re grandota 😭 que copadoooo.

    Me dieron dos ecobolsas 🥺 la de Guts es re grandota 😭 que copadoooo.
    Me dieron dos ecobolsas 🥺 la de Guts es re grandota 😭 que copadoooo.

    "Por qué te cásate con esta hinchapelotas?" KATSUKI ARGENTO TE EXTRAÑÉ!!!! AL FIN ESTA EN ESPAÑOL AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

    "Por qué te cásate con esta hinchapelotas?" KATSUKI ARGENTO TE EXTRAÑÉ!!!! AL FIN ESTA EN ESPAÑOL AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
    "Por qué te cásate con esta hinchapelotas?" KATSUKI ARGENTO TE EXTRAÑÉ!!!! AL FIN ESTA EN ESPAÑOL AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

    MI NENE HINCHABOLAS!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 SIIIIIIII ~~~ "¿Por qué no me trajiste el de All Might?" Te amo hijooooooo.


"¿Por qué no me trajiste el de All Might?" Te amo hijooooooo.