I'm gonna d1e if I manage to check at least the first 100 or smth. Too bad I can't check the unfixed JP dialogue. I remember someone pointed out there were dialogue errors in some Shoto/Endeavor lines bc they kept confusing which side Shoto hated? smth like that.

    I'm gonna d1e if I manage to check at least the first 100 or smth. Too bad I can't check the unfixed JP dialogue. I remember someone pointed out there were dialogue errors in some Shoto/Endeavor lines bc they kept confusing which side Shoto hated? smth like that.
    I'm gonna d1e if I manage to check at least the first 100 or smth. Too bad I can't check the unfixed JP dialogue. I remember someone pointed out there were dialogue errors in some Shoto/Endeavor lines bc they kept confusing which side Shoto hated? smth like that.

    Thank you for the reference ~

    Thank you for the reference ~

    Volume vs weekly In the original, you couldn't see Mineta at all, the page cut there. 😂 (I still find it weird Todoroki is narrating over that scene ????)

    Volume vs weekly 
In the original, you couldn't see Mineta at all, the page cut there. 😂 (I still find it weird Todoroki is narrating over that scene ????)
    Volume vs weekly 
In the original, you couldn't see Mineta at all, the page cut there. 😂 (I still find it weird Todoroki is narrating over that scene ????)

    Volume vs Weekly There are lines translated differently like this, but I'm not gonna point them out bc I don't have the original pages in JP so it's most likely an English editorial thing, aka "this sounds more natural/this fits the speech bubble better". It's all art fixes here

    Volume vs Weekly

There are lines translated differently like this, but I'm not gonna point them out bc I don't have the original pages in JP so it's most likely an English editorial thing, aka "this sounds more natural/this fits the speech bubble better". It's all art fixes here
    Volume vs Weekly

There are lines translated differently like this, but I'm not gonna point them out bc I don't have the original pages in JP so it's most likely an English editorial thing, aka "this sounds more natural/this fits the speech bubble better". It's all art fixes here

    To think I absolutely love her now and she was like this at the start, maaaaaaaaan ~~ Kinoko glow up!

    To think I absolutely love her now and she was like this at the start, maaaaaaaaan ~~ Kinoko glow up!