Volume vs weekly In the original, you couldn't see Mineta at all, the page cut there. 😂 (I still find it weird Todoroki is narrating over that scene ????)

    Volume vs weekly 
In the original, you couldn't see Mineta at all, the page cut there. 😂 (I still find it weird Todoroki is narrating over that scene ????)
    Volume vs weekly 
In the original, you couldn't see Mineta at all, the page cut there. 😂 (I still find it weird Todoroki is narrating over that scene ????)

    Volume vs Weekly There are lines translated differently like this, but I'm not gonna point them out bc I don't have the original pages in JP so it's most likely an English editorial thing, aka "this sounds more natural/this fits the speech bubble better". It's all art fixes here

    Volume vs Weekly

There are lines translated differently like this, but I'm not gonna point them out bc I don't have the original pages in JP so it's most likely an English editorial thing, aka "this sounds more natural/this fits the speech bubble better". It's all art fixes here
    Volume vs Weekly

There are lines translated differently like this, but I'm not gonna point them out bc I don't have the original pages in JP so it's most likely an English editorial thing, aka "this sounds more natural/this fits the speech bubble better". It's all art fixes here

    To think I absolutely love her now and she was like this at the start, maaaaaaaaan ~~ Kinoko glow up!

    To think I absolutely love her now and she was like this at the start, maaaaaaaaan ~~ Kinoko glow up!

    Volume vs Weekly They had this dramatic lighting in the previous panel and it seems Hori changed his mind in this one.

    Volume vs Weekly
They had this dramatic lighting in the previous panel and it seems Hori changed his mind in this one.
    Volume vs Weekly
They had this dramatic lighting in the previous panel and it seems Hori changed his mind in this one.

    The experimental color page ~

    The experimental color page ~
    The experimental color page ~