I was hoping the mom would do something. Even tho I believed they weren't a real family related by blood I kinda wanted the parents to actually feel something for each other 😔

    I was hoping the mom would do something. Even tho I believed they weren't a real family related by blood I kinda wanted the parents to actually feel something for each other 😔
    I was hoping the mom would do something. Even tho I believed they weren't a real family related by blood I kinda wanted the parents to actually feel something for each other 😔

    Dude really knows how to enervate me. It was a slap to the face.

    Dude really knows how to enervate me. It was a slap to the face.
    Dude really knows how to enervate me. It was a slap to the face.

    The little details 😭The single mother has one kitty probably from one happy meal or snack for her kid, meanwhile the wife has at least 4 in her room bc she keeps eating junk food. Also the coupons on the fridge, depression hitting hard.

    The little details 😭The single mother has one kitty probably from one happy meal or snack for her kid, meanwhile the wife has at least 4 in her room bc she keeps eating junk food. Also the coupons on the fridge, depression hitting hard.
    The little details 😭The single mother has one kitty probably from one happy meal or snack for her kid, meanwhile the wife has at least 4 in her room bc she keeps eating junk food. Also the coupons on the fridge, depression hitting hard.

    Her range...

    Her range...
    Her range...
    Her range...
    Her range...

    I'm d3ad. She's flirting with tropes used on high school girls, and she's using them on a salary man 😂

    I'm d3ad. She's flirting with tropes used on high school girls, and she's using them on a salary man 😂
    I'm d3ad. She's flirting with tropes used on high school girls, and she's using them on a salary man 😂