"I'm not going to tell you about heroes, I'm going to tell you all about me." ✨ Camie needs more training...

    "I'm not going to tell you about heroes, I'm going to tell you all about me." ✨

Camie needs more training...

    I have no idea how this chapter will be localized, Deku is literally a tiktok girl.

    I have no idea how this chapter will be localized, Deku is literally a tiktok girl.

    "Your dazzling brightness is like a supernova explosion, even beyond someone like me🌸" (She was practicing for the Hawks joke lol)

    "Your dazzling brightness is like a supernova explosion, even beyond someone like me🌸"

(She was practicing for the Hawks joke lol)

    "You plucked my heart out, once it sticks, it'll never come off." Mina and Momo are not impressed.

    "You plucked my heart out, once it sticks, it'll never come off."

Mina and Momo are not impressed.

    "I made it just for you... with lots of sugar...*" "WHO IS THAT?!" [Satou means sugar so he's like "with plenty of me"]

    "I made it just for you... with lots of sugar...*" 

[Satou means sugar so he's like "with plenty of me"]