@OEDONEPUS @Blue01530961 @noirsmile #acac 這個包容和理解的定義太牆內人了。遇到點不同就覺得應該各打50大板。中共都做了些什麼,在世界各地藉著一帶一路做了什麼,把藏人維族人港人說是獨立逼人真正想獨立再血腥清洗?努力想幫它續命的你們又在做些什麼,是什麼角色?你的想法我了解。現在是翻牆多看的時候,愛討論去品蔥吧。

    @OEDONEPUS @Blue01530961 @noirsmile #acac 這個包容和理解的定義太牆內人了。遇到點不同就覺得應該各打50大板。中共都做了些什麼,在世界各地藉著一帶一路做了什麼,把藏人維族人港人說是獨立逼人真正想獨立再血腥清洗?努力想幫它續命的你們又在做些什麼,是什麼角色?你的想法我了解。現在是翻牆多看的時候,愛討論去品蔥吧。

    Hello #ArtistsofSEA! Why you guys so amazing? I'm a Hong Konger, come from a city of police abuse.Can't draw for a while because the painful emotions. But I'm starting to draw again like I use to be. Sorry for my bad English.? ??? I make fanart and comic. Nice to meet you!

    Hello #ArtistsofSEA! Why you guys so amazing?
I'm a Hong Konger, come from a  city of police abuse.Can't draw for a while because the painful emotions. But I'm starting to draw again like I use to be.
Sorry for my bad English.?
I make fanart and comic.
Nice to meet you!
    Hello #ArtistsofSEA! Why you guys so amazing?
I'm a Hong Konger, come from a  city of police abuse.Can't draw for a while because the painful emotions. But I'm starting to draw again like I use to be.
Sorry for my bad English.?
I make fanart and comic.
Nice to meet you!
    Hello #ArtistsofSEA! Why you guys so amazing?
I'm a Hong Konger, come from a  city of police abuse.Can't draw for a while because the painful emotions. But I'm starting to draw again like I use to be.
Sorry for my bad English.?
I make fanart and comic.
Nice to meet you!
    Hello #ArtistsofSEA! Why you guys so amazing?
I'm a Hong Konger, come from a  city of police abuse.Can't draw for a while because the painful emotions. But I'm starting to draw again like I use to be.
Sorry for my bad English.?
I make fanart and comic.
Nice to meet you!

    #ユリベル #yuridetta #yurixbernadetta #fe3h SORRY 洗WALL~ 今天我的繪圖板仍然沒有答應我對它的呼籲 它還是沒有自行完稿 我會繼續游說? 到底一個場景要畫多久 每次畫H在他們累之前我已經累翻了 看的人只看幾分鐘,做的人做十多幾十分鐘,畫的人要畫幾天??? 但看和畫CP愛愛是快樂的!?

    #ユリベル #yuridetta #yurixbernadetta #fe3h 



    ? #ユリベル #yuridetta #yurixbernadetta #fe3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses


#yuridetta #yurixbernadetta 
#fe3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses

#yuridetta #yurixbernadetta 
#fe3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses

    #ユリベル #yuridetta Happy Birthday to #YuriLeclerc again! ?(part1) Part 2 will update on Monday(17/08)? #ユーリスルクレール生誕祭2020 #FE風花雪月 #fe3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses

    #ユリベル  #yuridetta 
Happy Birthday to #YuriLeclerc again! ?(part1)
Part 2 will update on Monday(17/08)?

#FE風花雪月   #fe3h  #FireEmblemThreeHouses
    #ユリベル  #yuridetta 
Happy Birthday to #YuriLeclerc again! ?(part1)
Part 2 will update on Monday(17/08)?

#FE風花雪月   #fe3h  #FireEmblemThreeHouses