nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    gonna regret spending precious time to draw this but. glasses belial as the extremely obnoxious 8AM class lecturer wearing the t-shirt I saw someone wearing in my uni

    gonna regret spending precious time to draw this but. glasses belial as the extremely obnoxious 8AM class lecturer wearing the t-shirt I saw someone wearing in my uni
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    Inch resting......... ???

    Inch resting......... ???
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    Duh gw kan bikin oneus as baseball anime boys (yah kalo spesies kpop weeb gini lah jadinya) terus udah sampe kepikiran plot bunnies gitu malah ada yang bilang "itu gamau jadi dojin?" GFJSVJDHS JANGAN GITU AH KAN JADI PEN BIKIN

    Duh gw kan bikin oneus as baseball anime boys (yah kalo spesies kpop weeb gini lah jadinya) terus udah sampe kepikiran plot bunnies gitu malah ada yang bilang "itu gamau jadi dojin?" GFJSVJDHS JANGAN GITU AH KAN JADI PEN BIKIN
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    dnd session doodles part 1 in which I ditched archery for a flaming hot sword, got lost, met some suspicious NPCs, and still haven't meet any of my fellow campaign frens yet.

    dnd session doodles part 1
in which I ditched archery for a flaming hot sword, got lost, met some suspicious NPCs, and still haven't meet any of my fellow campaign frens yet.
    dnd session doodles part 1
in which I ditched archery for a flaming hot sword, got lost, met some suspicious NPCs, and still haven't meet any of my fellow campaign frens yet.
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    Oh my god it's the first time i saw the flyer backs translated and ... and does masumi talk like THIS even in audience flyers?? Audience will surely know him as the resident womanizer-sweet talker who easily throws cheesy lines to his fans. ?

    Oh my god it's the first time i saw the flyer backs translated and ... and does masumi talk like THIS even in audience flyers??
Audience will surely know him as the resident womanizer-sweet talker who easily throws cheesy lines to his fans. ?