nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    everytime i cook fancy food on a random bonfire #GenshinInpact

    everytime i cook fancy food on a random bonfire #GenshinInpact
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    chi.... chifuyu... when he said "partner" for the first time........ ah, yes, thats the time

    chi.... chifuyu... when he said "partner" for the first time........ ah, yes, thats the time
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    i know i have a lot LOT of WIPs i havent finished (euhg) but because im a huge clown i want to pursue this idea i suddenly have massive urge to draw!!! and the clownery continues! it's multiple pages worth of comics! HAH

    i know i have a lot LOT of WIPs i havent finished (euhg) but because im a huge clown i want to pursue this idea i suddenly have massive urge to draw!!! and the clownery continues! it's multiple pages worth of comics! HAH
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    Xingqiu meets a fellow Guhua disciple (1) #GenshinImpact

    Xingqiu meets a fellow Guhua disciple (1)
    Xingqiu meets a fellow Guhua disciple (1)