nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    one of my favourite scene in gbf anni is when isaac freaking calculated the flight trajectory of their weirdly-shaped vessel from moon to earth....... with a slide rule

    one of my favourite scene in gbf anni is when isaac freaking calculated the flight trajectory of their weirdly-shaped vessel from moon to earth....... with a slide rule
    one of my favourite scene in gbf anni is when isaac freaking calculated the flight trajectory of their weirdly-shaped vessel from moon to earth....... with a slide rule
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    <--2017 | 2021--> POV ur the minor villain in part 6 with ur stand beaten and jolyne's like, "sooo... what do you think we gonna do, ermes? f.f?" ermes goes "we beat the shit out of em, that's what" f.f is just (slurps water) "yeah let's" and you go "HIEEEHH NO STOP--"

    <--2017  |  2021-->

POV ur the minor villain in part 6 with ur stand beaten and jolyne's like, "sooo... what do you think we gonna do, ermes? f.f?"
ermes goes "we beat the shit out of em, that's what"
f.f is just (slurps water) "yeah let's"
and you go "HIEEEHH NO STOP--"
    <--2017  |  2021-->

POV ur the minor villain in part 6 with ur stand beaten and jolyne's like, "sooo... what do you think we gonna do, ermes? f.f?"
ermes goes "we beat the shit out of em, that's what"
f.f is just (slurps water) "yeah let's"
and you go "HIEEEHH NO STOP--"
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    i end up practicing from this certain conan scene (one of my favourite!!!) even when these scenes are all Talk in one (1) scene featuring only point of view shifts, drawing it surprisingly isn't as straightforward as i thought

    i end up practicing from this certain conan scene (one of my favourite!!!)
even when these scenes are all Talk in one (1) scene featuring only point of view shifts, drawing it surprisingly isn't as straightforward as i thought
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    revival fandom 2010an belum lengkap nih kalo belom dibarengi art meme dev*ianta*rt #hwsindonesia

    revival fandom 2010an belum lengkap nih kalo belom dibarengi art meme dev*ianta*rt #hwsindonesia
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    aruyuri event ending

    aruyuri event ending