nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    [ ffxiv ARR MSQ lv30-ish onwards spoilers ] neglecting main story quests be like

    [ ffxiv ARR MSQ lv30-ish onwards spoilers ]

neglecting main story quests be like
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    me summary of art 2021 🙈 it's been a great year....! 🥳 surprisingly i drew quite a lot of non-comic art?!

    me summary of art 2021 🙈
it's been a great year....! 🥳 surprisingly i drew quite a lot of non-comic art?!
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    Top 4 personal favourite art in 2021! Thank you for this year!! 🥰

    Top 4 personal favourite art in 2021!
Thank you for this year!! 🥰
    Top 4 personal favourite art in 2021!
Thank you for this year!! 🥰
    Top 4 personal favourite art in 2021!
Thank you for this year!! 🥰
    Top 4 personal favourite art in 2021!
Thank you for this year!! 🥰
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    excuse me while i project my artist misery #YikesMemeland

    excuse me while i project my artist misery
    nachi 🍙@nasi_kepal

    i find it super funny how shu, the resident sorcerer, is luxiem's tech whiz (in ike's words) #YaminoArt #Ikenography

    i find it super funny how shu, the resident sorcerer, is luxiem's tech whiz (in ike's words)
#YaminoArt #Ikenography