
    Finally building the modern fantasy world I always say I'll make to spite JK Terfing's bullshit! Meet Rae (she/her), the 12 y/o trans protagonist :))

    Finally building the modern fantasy world I always say I'll make to spite JK Terfing's bullshit! Meet Rae (she/her), the 12 y/o trans protagonist :))
    Finally building the modern fantasy world I always say I'll make to spite JK Terfing's bullshit! Meet Rae (she/her), the 12 y/o trans protagonist :))



    Had to do some boards for one of my finals and I like how these ones turned out. My kiddos :]

    Had to do some boards for one of my finals and I like how these ones turned out. My kiddos :]
    Had to do some boards for one of my finals and I like how these ones turned out. My kiddos :]
    Had to do some boards for one of my finals and I like how these ones turned out. My kiddos :]
    Had to do some boards for one of my finals and I like how these ones turned out. My kiddos :]

    Realized based on my Jon designs Martin has never seen Jon fully shaven so enjoy this #magnuspod

    Realized based on my Jon designs Martin has never seen Jon fully shaven so enjoy this #magnuspod

    I have finished... my film.....

    I have finished... my film.....