I just got Ares to +10 so i doodled something to celebrate asdhkfh sorry Leif, one day I'll get you to +10 too ?

    I just got Ares to +10 so i doodled something to celebrate asdhkfh sorry Leif, one day I'll get you to +10 too ?

    Bonus round with some of my favorite fe shitposts. This is why you're all here right.

    Bonus round with some of my favorite fe shitposts. This is why you're all here right.

    hkJHJKKSD i have nothing to offer, but here have these silverdoc doodles ok bye

    hkJHJKKSD i have nothing to offer, but here have these silverdoc doodles ok bye
    hkJHJKKSD i have nothing to offer, but here have these silverdoc doodles ok bye
    hkJHJKKSD i have nothing to offer, but here have these silverdoc doodles ok bye

    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend

    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend
    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend
    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend

    /quietly drops these.... this game is consuming me slowly but certainly.

    /quietly drops these....
this game is consuming me slowly but certainly.
    /quietly drops these....
this game is consuming me slowly but certainly.