a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend

    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend
    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend
    a lil sophie ref i decided to throw some colors on, ft more doodles of her and her very tall ceo friend

    /quietly drops these.... this game is consuming me slowly but certainly.

    /quietly drops these....
this game is consuming me slowly but certainly.
    /quietly drops these....
this game is consuming me slowly but certainly.

    I want to do this after commissions.... (=・ω・=)

    I want to do this after commissions.... (=・ω・=)

    Some crops of my spreads and stickers for @fehplanner! Pre orders will open very soon!!

    Some crops of my spreads and stickers for @fehplanner! Pre orders will open very soon!!

    A little bonus comic. ? Considering I just finished getting Arthur to lv 100, these two coming right after was pretty funny dfghkjsdg

    A little bonus comic. ? Considering I just finished getting Arthur to lv 100, these two coming right after was pretty funny dfghkjsdg