e-102 gamma art i made 2 years ago and didn't post #sonicadventure
cool evangelion image i made 8 years ago
rainbow waterfall #amazingtreasurevalley #gamedev
made a little model of the beloved 'raremon' from digimon!
drew some neopets
whoever made him, i'm glad at some point during his construction they decided "this is a titties out kind of robot"
my username "splendidland" comes from my old tumblr. "splendid land" was a little world that existed in my background that was full of little people of different kinds. it had 3 different states that it could appear in day time, rainy, and night time.
if you're at thought bubble tomorrow you'll be able to tell who i am because of my giant hat
i love kricketot and kricketune but they are not crickets! their designs are based more on violin beetles!
lookin' through my old art. found these warios from 2016
antlar & satan beetle (ultraman)
libertarian planet
old school runescape character i saw in a dream last night. her name was just "pink" and she was roaming around on a beach. she could attack you but you couldn't retaliate by any means.