mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    oh dang, I think I finally got a pencil brush I like.

    oh dang, I think I finally got a pencil brush I like.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    This is how work is going right now. The worst bit is that I have some exciting stuff to work on but I first must finish a lot of really mind-numbing prep.

    This is how work is going right now.
The worst bit is that I have some exciting stuff to work on but I first must finish a lot of really mind-numbing prep.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    ver slow today. hlp.

    ver slow today. hlp.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    and now I have made these bozos based on how much of the uniform they keep on their person

    and now I have made these bozos based on how much of the uniform they keep on their person
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Blorp, cleaned up the dudes. It was interesting to see how much variation I could get without straying too far from the uniforms (it really gets bleh with the colors I think).

    Blorp, cleaned up the dudes. It was interesting to see how much variation I could get without straying too far from the uniforms (it really gets bleh with the colors I think).
    Blorp, cleaned up the dudes. It was interesting to see how much variation I could get without straying too far from the uniforms (it really gets bleh with the colors I think).

