mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Pen nibs test. I have learned many things, mainly that I need to get better paper. And ink. And nibs. And probably a scanner at some point.

    Pen nibs test. I have learned many things, mainly that I need to get better paper. And ink. And nibs. And probably a scanner at some point.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    drnk drawings from yesterday. I need to get a scanner at some point. I have one, but I am pretty sure it runs on human suffering and it doesn't even scan very well.

    drnk drawings from yesterday. I need to get a scanner at some point.
I have one, but I am pretty sure it runs on human suffering and it doesn't even scan very well.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Cleaned up an old sketch from a million years ago (in internets time).

    Cleaned up an old sketch from a million years ago (in internets time).
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    digital ink practice

    digital ink practice
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).

    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).

