mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Cleaned up an old sketch from a million years ago (in internets time).

    Cleaned up an old sketch from a million years ago (in internets time).
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    digital ink practice

    digital ink practice
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).

    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    Onoes. I missed goblin week again, so here's some gobs from like 2014 (and one from last year because he is best).
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Also I have no idea what this is about. Clearly it's about something very specific that made sense at the time.

    Also I have no idea what this is about. Clearly it's about something very specific that made sense at the time.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I blame team fourstar for this. This was also way more effort than anyone should ever put into derp jokes.

    I blame team fourstar for this.
This was also way more effort than anyone should ever put into derp jokes.
    I blame team fourstar for this.
This was also way more effort than anyone should ever put into derp jokes.

