mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I am going to need someone to explain to me why increasing dpi makes the screentones larger and gnarlier. I expected the opposite, so I'm missing something fundamental I think. This picture is the exact same grey, same px size, same tone settings at 300dpi (L) and 600dpi (R)

    I am going to need someone to explain to me why increasing dpi makes the screentones larger and gnarlier. I expected the opposite, so I'm missing something fundamental I think.
This picture is the exact same grey, same px size, same tone settings at 300dpi (L) and 600dpi (R)
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Another one from the TFS review because I still think thirsty cheelai is hilarious.

    Another one from the TFS review because I still think thirsty cheelai is hilarious.
    Another one from the TFS review because I still think thirsty cheelai is hilarious.
    Another one from the TFS review because I still think thirsty cheelai is hilarious.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom


    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Decided to finish this drawing of the conqueringest of kings from #KillSixBillionDemons Note the absence of dots. I have forsaken them, lines are my only friends now.

    Decided to finish this drawing of the conqueringest of kings from #KillSixBillionDemons 
Note the absence of dots. I have forsaken them, lines are my only friends now.

