mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Whargarbl, started this comic too late but I guess the first panel sort of works as valentine's card? In other news, I am still bad at dots. I'll put up the rest later, with hopefully better dots.

    Whargarbl, started this comic too late but I guess the first panel sort of works as valentine's card?
In other news, I am still bad at dots. I'll put up the rest later, with hopefully better dots.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    hello, it me, the man wot spent a whole day trying to fix his horny monster valentine joke.

    hello, it me, the man wot spent a whole day trying to fix his horny monster valentine joke.
    hello, it me, the man wot spent a whole day trying to fix his horny monster valentine joke.
    hello, it me, the man wot spent a whole day trying to fix his horny monster valentine joke.
    hello, it me, the man wot spent a whole day trying to fix his horny monster valentine joke.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I really shouldn't post things on twitter before I looked at them for a bit. I made the last panel 37.3% more dramatic.

    I really shouldn't post things on twitter before I looked at them for a bit.
I made the last panel 37.3% more dramatic.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    ok I wasn't sure if I was going to do another one, but then the idea of Goku creepin' keeps making me laugh.

    ok I wasn't sure if I was going to do another one, but then the idea of Goku creepin' keeps making me laugh.
    ok I wasn't sure if I was going to do another one, but then the idea of Goku creepin' keeps making me laugh.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    It is lunch skull. Lunch skulls is on fire. No one knows how or why.

    It is lunch skull. 
Lunch skulls is on fire. 
No one knows how or why.

