mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I rejiggered the grenados for days with some of them fancy tones. Also I found out grenado is not a made-up word but an actual thing and that's somehow disappointing.

    I rejiggered the grenados for days with some of them fancy tones.
Also I found out grenado is not a made-up word but an actual thing and that's somehow disappointing.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Hello, it me, the man bringing you the grim dawn content you never wanted. It's possible I got a bit carried away with this whole grenado thing.

    Hello, it me, the man bringing you the grim dawn content you never wanted.
It's possible I got a bit carried away with this whole grenado thing.
    Hello, it me, the man bringing you the grim dawn content you never wanted.
It's possible I got a bit carried away with this whole grenado thing.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    The true terror of grim dawn's aetherial threat is that they're really fastidious. They're basically zombie twitter.

    The true terror of grim dawn's aetherial threat is that they're really fastidious.
They're basically zombie twitter.
    The true terror of grim dawn's aetherial threat is that they're really fastidious.
They're basically zombie twitter.
    The true terror of grim dawn's aetherial threat is that they're really fastidious.
They're basically zombie twitter.
    The true terror of grim dawn's aetherial threat is that they're really fastidious.
They're basically zombie twitter.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Relatable skeltal as I keep doing those panels without borders that run off into the margins.

    Relatable skeltal as I keep doing those panels without borders that run off into the margins.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    This book contains terrible and obscure puns.

    This book contains terrible and obscure puns.

