mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    This comics business would go a lot faster if I didn't redraw every background four times.

    This comics business would go a lot faster if I didn't redraw every background four times.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I keep putting in screentones and I have no clue how they print out. I am sure this will never backfire.

    I keep putting in screentones and I have no clue how they print out.
I am sure this will never backfire.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I'm really into how scratchy sketches look at full zoom. One day I should probably like, do it on purpose.

    I'm really into how scratchy sketches look at full zoom.
One day I should probably like, do it on purpose.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I am trying to get these thingies printed out and they needed covers, so here's them covers. Also hey, printing things is hard.

    I am trying to get these thingies printed out and they needed covers, so here's them covers.
Also hey, printing things is hard.
    I am trying to get these thingies printed out and they needed covers, so here's them covers.
Also hey, printing things is hard.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    #tbt to my Dragon's Dogma characters. Still haven't finished that game. I think I was near the end but then I had to switch to higher level pawns and none of the pawns I found were as cool as the ones already with me.

    #tbt to my Dragon's Dogma characters.
Still haven't finished that game. I think I was near the end but then I had to switch to higher level pawns and none of the pawns I found were as cool as the ones already with me.
    #tbt to my Dragon's Dogma characters.
Still haven't finished that game. I think I was near the end but then I had to switch to higher level pawns and none of the pawns I found were as cool as the ones already with me.
    #tbt to my Dragon's Dogma characters.
Still haven't finished that game. I think I was near the end but then I had to switch to higher level pawns and none of the pawns I found were as cool as the ones already with me.

