mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    It's Robut Time! A better kind of time because, you know, robuts. You can read the whole comic right now if you toss a dollar into this web bin https://t.co/SI9QhsdB5p (on patreon too) Or watch this thread where I will dispense this robo-knowledge daily until it is all done. 1/15

    It's Robut Time! A better kind of time because, you know, robuts.
You can read the whole comic right now if you toss a dollar into this web bin https://t.co/SI9QhsdB5p (on patreon too)
Or watch this thread where I will dispense this robo-knowledge daily until it is all done.
    It's Robut Time! A better kind of time because, you know, robuts.
You can read the whole comic right now if you toss a dollar into this web bin https://t.co/SI9QhsdB5p (on patreon too)
Or watch this thread where I will dispense this robo-knowledge daily until it is all done.
    It's Robut Time! A better kind of time because, you know, robuts.
You can read the whole comic right now if you toss a dollar into this web bin https://t.co/SI9QhsdB5p (on patreon too)
Or watch this thread where I will dispense this robo-knowledge daily until it is all done.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    You will have to wait for the rest of that one sentence. It's called suspense, and I have mastered it. Btw, robot suspense is also better than regular suspense. Robots are just better than us at like, everything. 2/15

    You will have to wait for the rest of that one sentence. It's called suspense, and I have mastered it.
Btw, robot suspense is also better than regular suspense. Robots are just better than us at like, everything. 2/15
    You will have to wait for the rest of that one sentence. It's called suspense, and I have mastered it.
Btw, robot suspense is also better than regular suspense. Robots are just better than us at like, everything. 2/15
    You will have to wait for the rest of that one sentence. It's called suspense, and I have mastered it.
Btw, robot suspense is also better than regular suspense. Robots are just better than us at like, everything. 2/15
    You will have to wait for the rest of that one sentence. It's called suspense, and I have mastered it.
Btw, robot suspense is also better than regular suspense. Robots are just better than us at like, everything. 2/15
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Important robot advice: Do not be rude to robots. Much like elephants, they will remember forever. Also like elephants, they will eventually invade your home and smash all of your things in retribution (all of them. Including your bones and valuable squishy bits). 3/15

    Important robot advice: Do not be rude to robots.
Much like elephants, they will remember forever. Also like elephants, they will eventually invade your home and smash all of your things in retribution (all of them. Including your bones and valuable squishy bits). 3/15
    Important robot advice: Do not be rude to robots.
Much like elephants, they will remember forever. Also like elephants, they will eventually invade your home and smash all of your things in retribution (all of them. Including your bones and valuable squishy bits). 3/15
    Important robot advice: Do not be rude to robots.
Much like elephants, they will remember forever. Also like elephants, they will eventually invade your home and smash all of your things in retribution (all of them. Including your bones and valuable squishy bits). 3/15
    Important robot advice: Do not be rude to robots.
Much like elephants, they will remember forever. Also like elephants, they will eventually invade your home and smash all of your things in retribution (all of them. Including your bones and valuable squishy bits). 3/15
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    In order to avoid finishing on cribmus, here is a second set of panels for the day that you may gaze upon with your appropriately placed eyeballs. 4/15

    In order to avoid finishing on cribmus, here is a second set of panels for the day that you may gaze upon with your appropriately placed eyeballs. 4/15
    In order to avoid finishing on cribmus, here is a second set of panels for the day that you may gaze upon with your appropriately placed eyeballs. 4/15
    In order to avoid finishing on cribmus, here is a second set of panels for the day that you may gaze upon with your appropriately placed eyeballs. 4/15
    In order to avoid finishing on cribmus, here is a second set of panels for the day that you may gaze upon with your appropriately placed eyeballs. 4/15
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    No jokes, just robot design history. 5/15

    No jokes, just robot design history.
    No jokes, just robot design history.
    No jokes, just robot design history.
    No jokes, just robot design history.

