mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Also holy shouting practice.

    Also holy shouting practice.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    This drawing gave me temp health and 40% damage reduction.

    This drawing gave me temp health and 40% damage reduction.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    So, this is looking it's going to be a whole five days. I basically just took a vacation to work on cursed vermintide comics.

    So, this is looking it's going to be a whole five days.
I basically just took a vacation to work on cursed vermintide comics.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    I used to draw dorfs all time, yet these days I have nary a dorf drawing to show.

    I used to draw dorfs all time, yet these days I have nary a dorf drawing to show.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    It was all worth it just for this.

    It was all worth it just for this.

