mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    So there was an ARK free weekend a while ago, and here is a Very Fast® chronicle of how it went down. Yes, I managed to get killed by one of the few non-scaly creatures on an island full of ravenous dinosaurs. I'm good at videogames.

    So there was an ARK free weekend a while ago, and here is a Very Fast® chronicle of how it went down.
Yes, I managed to get killed by one of the few non-scaly creatures on an island full of ravenous dinosaurs. I'm good at videogames.
    So there was an ARK free weekend a while ago, and here is a Very Fast® chronicle of how it went down.
Yes, I managed to get killed by one of the few non-scaly creatures on an island full of ravenous dinosaurs. I'm good at videogames.
    So there was an ARK free weekend a while ago, and here is a Very Fast® chronicle of how it went down.
Yes, I managed to get killed by one of the few non-scaly creatures on an island full of ravenous dinosaurs. I'm good at videogames.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    The end of my Very Fast® ARK chronicle. ARK made me realize that I'm totally ok with my horrible demise as long as I get eaten. It's the circle of life folks (so herbivores that murder me are just giant pricks).

    The end of my Very Fast® ARK chronicle.
ARK made me realize that I'm totally ok with my horrible demise as long as I get eaten. It's the circle of life folks (so herbivores that murder me are just giant pricks).
    The end of my Very Fast® ARK chronicle.
ARK made me realize that I'm totally ok with my horrible demise as long as I get eaten. It's the circle of life folks (so herbivores that murder me are just giant pricks).
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Four pages left on this book, but the brain, it doesn't want to go. Instead I keep making unrelated comic layouts. Maybe I can try to eat the layouts, that would solve two problems at once.

    Four pages left on this book, but the brain, it doesn't want to go.
Instead I keep making unrelated comic layouts.
Maybe I can try to eat the layouts, that would solve two problems at once.
    Four pages left on this book, but the brain, it doesn't want to go.
Instead I keep making unrelated comic layouts.
Maybe I can try to eat the layouts, that would solve two problems at once.
    Four pages left on this book, but the brain, it doesn't want to go.
Instead I keep making unrelated comic layouts.
Maybe I can try to eat the layouts, that would solve two problems at once.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    It's saturday. You know what that means. It means swole lizards.

    It's saturday. You know what that means.

It means swole lizards.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    u wot m8

    u wot m8

