mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Out there in the swamp, it's basically Romeo and Juliet but someone gets paid at the end.

    Out there in the swamp, it's basically Romeo and Juliet but someone gets paid at the end.
    Out there in the swamp, it's basically Romeo and Juliet but someone gets paid at the end.
    Out there in the swamp, it's basically Romeo and Juliet but someone gets paid at the end.
    Out there in the swamp, it's basically Romeo and Juliet but someone gets paid at the end.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    May he live forever alone in a bush.

    May he live forever alone in a bush.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Explain basic things

    Explain basic things
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    Trapped in a far away land where the ham is plentiful but dogs are forbidden. I bring you an ancient scatch from aeons past, when croissants reigned and the plague was not yet upon us.

    Trapped in a far away land where the ham is plentiful but dogs are forbidden.
I bring you an ancient scatch from aeons past, when croissants reigned and the plague was not yet upon us.
    mighty ybaba@mcnostrilcom

    More ancient drawings are unearthed as I battle hypothermia in the far away lands of hams and shrimp.

    More ancient drawings are unearthed as I battle hypothermia in the far away lands of hams and shrimp.

