
    This was a pretty cool moment! I wanted to figure out how he did those flowers and in trying to copy it I figured out how to make individual petals and basically draw them in any angle.

    This was a pretty cool moment!
I wanted to figure out how he did those flowers and in trying to copy it I figured out how to make individual petals and basically draw them in any angle.
    This was a pretty cool moment!
I wanted to figure out how he did those flowers and in trying to copy it I figured out how to make individual petals and basically draw them in any angle.

    Which brings us to my favourite drawing in this whole book. LOOK AT THESE BUSHES! During that time japanese art (i think it was woodblock prints) was getting popular and Mucha incorporated some elements here.

    Which brings us to my favourite drawing in this whole book. LOOK AT THESE BUSHES!

During that time japanese art (i think it was woodblock prints) was getting popular and Mucha incorporated some elements here.
    Which brings us to my favourite drawing in this whole book. LOOK AT THESE BUSHES!

During that time japanese art (i think it was woodblock prints) was getting popular and Mucha incorporated some elements here.

    The first coulpe of days I only doodled, getting used to space ship designs. I had this whole plan set out: Read the whole story first, then study colors, shapes, proportions, details and composition. Reading came pretty easy. The world + story is so creative an fun 😀

    The first coulpe of days I only doodled, getting used to space ship designs. I had this whole plan set out: Read the whole story first, then study colors, shapes, proportions, details and composition. Reading came pretty easy. The world + story is so creative an fun 😀
    The first coulpe of days I only doodled, getting used to space ship designs. I had this whole plan set out: Read the whole story first, then study colors, shapes, proportions, details and composition. Reading came pretty easy. The world + story is so creative an fun 😀

    These next two pages were the most fun. At this point I had read through the whole book and gotten a feel for how the ships were designed. My plan of studying went completely out the window and I was just content with the fun of drawing these weird forms every morning.

    These next two pages were the most fun. At this point I had read through the whole book and gotten a feel for how the ships were designed. My plan of studying went completely out the window and I was just content with the fun of drawing these weird forms every morning.
    These next two pages were the most fun. At this point I had read through the whole book and gotten a feel for how the ships were designed. My plan of studying went completely out the window and I was just content with the fun of drawing these weird forms every morning.

