Imma try to do the #HourlyComicDay thing!! Not a very exciting day but at least I have time to draw! I'm trying to keep those very sketchy and simple and not stress about details and quality. :)

    Imma try to do the #HourlyComicDay thing!! Not a very exciting day but at least I have time to draw! I'm trying to keep those very sketchy and simple and not stress about details and quality. :)
    Imma try to do the #HourlyComicDay thing!! Not a very exciting day but at least I have time to draw! I'm trying to keep those very sketchy and simple and not stress about details and quality. :)

    A vaguely productive day. Now I should prob get dressed and do... more things... #hourlycomicday

    A vaguely productive day. Now I should prob get dressed and do... more things... #hourlycomicday
    A vaguely productive day. Now I should prob get dressed and do... more things... #hourlycomicday

    Its been the most boring day so far.... sorry i guess??

    Its been the most boring day so far.... sorry i guess??
    Its been the most boring day so far.... sorry i guess??

    I managed to do the whole #hourlycomicday thing! I'm off to sleep now. It wasn't a very exciting day but it was fun to do!! Goos night all!

    I managed to do the whole #hourlycomicday thing! I'm off to sleep now. It wasn't a very exciting day but it was fun to do!! Goos night all!
    I managed to do the whole #hourlycomicday thing! I'm off to sleep now. It wasn't a very exciting day but it was fun to do!! Goos night all!

    #artvsartist or the perfect excuse to dig up some old art I still like and to share that selfie I took at the Theatre Cafe last time I was in London. :)

    #artvsartist or the perfect excuse to dig up some old art I still like and to share that selfie I took at the Theatre Cafe last time I was in London. :)

