
    The most humbling experience of art school so far was turning in my midterm and the professor had us place sticky notes next to each other's top 3 fav works... I only got like 2 notes. Lesson learned, don't restart a whole project 3 days before the deadline

    The most humbling experience of art school so far was turning in my midterm and the professor had us place sticky notes next to each other's top 3 fav works... I only got like 2 notes. Lesson learned, don't restart a whole project 3 days before the deadline
    The most humbling experience of art school so far was turning in my midterm and the professor had us place sticky notes next to each other's top 3 fav works... I only got like 2 notes. Lesson learned, don't restart a whole project 3 days before the deadline
    The most humbling experience of art school so far was turning in my midterm and the professor had us place sticky notes next to each other's top 3 fav works... I only got like 2 notes. Lesson learned, don't restart a whole project 3 days before the deadline
    The most humbling experience of art school so far was turning in my midterm and the professor had us place sticky notes next to each other's top 3 fav works... I only got like 2 notes. Lesson learned, don't restart a whole project 3 days before the deadline

    Thank you to my supporters so far! Now who's next??

    Thank you to my supporters so far! Now who's next??

    Little quick sketches

    Little quick sketches
    Little quick sketches
    Little quick sketches

    Value study

    Value study

    + some more examples

    + some more examples
    + some more examples
    + some more examples