TaKe A sPiN, nOw YoU'rE iN wItH tHe TeCkO sEt, YoU'rE gOiNg SuRfInG oN tHe InTeRnEt!!!
"Beware of the full moon, stick to the path, out come the creatures, incite Free Bird's wrath."
I've been watching Jerma clips over the weekend and a good handful of them are just:
Leaked Mario movie storyboard (I know the joke's already been done, shut up)
I drew this earlier and I don't know what made me want to draw it...
Where was this iconic moment in the Scott Pilgrim Anime hmmm? 🤔🤔🤔
The hardest part of drawing this thumbnail was figuring out how to draw Zach wearing a VR headset. @OneyPlays
Oh my god! Is that what I think it is?!?
It wasn't the first time I attempted doing a RAH comic, here's the beginning of one I started a few months ago, it was gonna be about Axey and Koi-Chan trying to find stuff to do during summer, I stopped doing because I wasn't feeling it...