very short comic on how i feel about art right now

    very short comic on how i feel about art right now
    very short comic on how i feel about art right now
    very short comic on how i feel about art right now

    about 6 years ago (?) my friend and i decide to have our ocs date and last week was the anniversary of that convo? so its juni and nes's anniversary! anyways she wants me to post this comic of them ??

    about 6 years ago (?) my friend and i decide to have our ocs date and last week was the anniversary of that convo? so its juni and nes's anniversary! anyways she wants me to post this comic of them ??



    my brand!!!!!!!!

    my brand!!!!!!!!
    my brand!!!!!!!!
    my brand!!!!!!!!
    my brand!!!!!!!!

    I also draw traditionally which is more towards my comfort zone! I tend to draw in my sketchbook more often than digitally nowadays. I think the drawings look better here too!

    I also draw traditionally which is more towards my comfort zone! I tend to draw in my sketchbook more often than digitally nowadays. I think the drawings look better here too!
    I also draw traditionally which is more towards my comfort zone! I tend to draw in my sketchbook more often than digitally nowadays. I think the drawings look better here too!
    I also draw traditionally which is more towards my comfort zone! I tend to draw in my sketchbook more often than digitally nowadays. I think the drawings look better here too!
    I also draw traditionally which is more towards my comfort zone! I tend to draw in my sketchbook more often than digitally nowadays. I think the drawings look better here too!

