Trevor Henderson🍉@slimyswampghost

    Trevor Henderson🍉@slimyswampghost

    Absurdly quickly done t-shirt design idea I had

    Absurdly quickly done t-shirt design idea I had
    Trevor Henderson🍉@slimyswampghost

    (2/14) ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead begins with our put-upon protagonist, Akira, as an employee of a wildly abusive corporation. After years of labour with zero free time, it's a great relief when a zombie outbreak happens! Akira is suddenly free to live life to the fullest.

    (2/14) ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead begins with our put-upon protagonist, Akira, as an employee of a wildly abusive corporation. After years of labour with zero free time, it's a great relief when a zombie outbreak happens! Akira is suddenly free to live life to the  fullest.
    Trevor Henderson🍉@slimyswampghost

    (3/14) Akira has spent the last couple of years being drained of all his creative drive and optimism. You really feel good for him when he realizes that he no longer has to go to work, and can start making the most out of life! First by cleaning up his garbage-covered apartment.

    (3/14) Akira has spent the last couple of years being drained of all his creative drive and optimism. You really feel good for him when he realizes that he no longer has to go to work, and can start making the most out of life! First by cleaning up his garbage-covered apartment.
    Trevor Henderson🍉@slimyswampghost

    (4/14) While much of the comedy comes from Akira's reaction to the horrifying situations around him, the zombie threat itself is never played for laughs. Like the best horror comedies, the horror comes from the antagonists, but the comedy comes from the protagonists' reaction!

    (4/14) While much of the comedy comes from Akira's reaction to the horrifying situations around him, the zombie threat itself is never played for laughs. Like the best horror comedies, the horror comes from the antagonists, but the comedy comes from the protagonists' reaction!