
    English Version #Jotakak ⚠️This exist during part 4 ⚠️Kakyoin survived ⚠️Long hair Kakyoin - ⚠️Eng is my second language, so it might be weird in terms of grammar. ? (p1-4/p15)

    English Version
⚠️This exist during part 4
⚠️Kakyoin survived
⚠️Long hair Kakyoin
⚠️Eng is my second language, so it might be weird in terms of grammar. ?
    English Version
⚠️This exist during part 4
⚠️Kakyoin survived
⚠️Long hair Kakyoin
⚠️Eng is my second language, so it might be weird in terms of grammar. ?
    English Version
⚠️This exist during part 4
⚠️Kakyoin survived
⚠️Long hair Kakyoin
⚠️Eng is my second language, so it might be weird in terms of grammar. ?
    English Version
⚠️This exist during part 4
⚠️Kakyoin survived
⚠️Long hair Kakyoin
⚠️Eng is my second language, so it might be weird in terms of grammar. ?





    (p13-15/p15)-end Thank you for reading! And if you like my work, you can support me with a cup coffee? ?

Thank you for reading!
And if you like my work, you can support me with a cup coffee?
Thank you for reading!
And if you like my work, you can support me with a cup coffee?
Thank you for reading!
And if you like my work, you can support me with a cup coffee?

    #Jotakak #承花 in part 6 So... you know sometimes the injury you got when you were young might affect you when you grow older? ?Kakyoin's bad eyesights. ➡️read from left to right.

    #Jotakak #承花 in part 6
So... you know sometimes the injury you got when you were young might affect you when you grow older?
?Kakyoin's bad eyesights.
➡️read from left to right.
    #Jotakak #承花 in part 6
So... you know sometimes the injury you got when you were young might affect you when you grow older?
?Kakyoin's bad eyesights.
➡️read from left to right.
    #Jotakak #承花 in part 6
So... you know sometimes the injury you got when you were young might affect you when you grow older?
?Kakyoin's bad eyesights.
➡️read from left to right.
    #Jotakak #承花 in part 6
So... you know sometimes the injury you got when you were young might affect you when you grow older?
?Kakyoin's bad eyesights.
➡️read from left to right.

