What's your character's name? What is she about? What's her personality? Why does she..... No clue. Wanted to design a character with details: drew a posture, added a costume, cleaned it, colored it. I really need to work on that angle more.
like. can be better. or worse. but i mean. even if I clean I get something off because I'm thinking of finishing 90 drawings in less than a week,knowing it could change entirely. Plus the pain of getting in game reference through engines, playthrough or asking staff, bugs, etc.
Sunday morning
doodles from earlier today
Morning warmup
Morning warmup. #FF7 #FF7R #Jessie #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyVII
quick drawing
Feelin' rusty this morning. warmup doodles.
Morning warmup doodles
Since I've been redrawing previous characters I made: (repost with fixed arm lengths 'cuz I post stuff without doing "quality control")