Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    New thing

    New thing
    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    Some eyes from each of the things I'm workin' on right now. In one form or another. ??

    Some eyes from each of the things I'm workin' on right now. In one form or another. ??
    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    WASTED SPACE #15 is out today!! It's the final issue of our 3rd arc, and sets us directly on the path for the series climax. The world is confusing right now, but I hope this issue can offer up a moment of respite to some. https://t.co/ou5sp2zyVN

    WASTED SPACE #15 is out today!! It's the final issue of our 3rd arc, and sets us directly on the path for the series climax. The world is confusing right now, but I hope this issue can offer up a moment of respite to some. 

    WASTED SPACE #15 is out today!! It's the final issue of our 3rd arc, and sets us directly on the path for the series climax. The world is confusing right now, but I hope this issue can offer up a moment of respite to some. 

    WASTED SPACE #15 is out today!! It's the final issue of our 3rd arc, and sets us directly on the path for the series climax. The world is confusing right now, but I hope this issue can offer up a moment of respite to some. 

    WASTED SPACE #15 is out today!! It's the final issue of our 3rd arc, and sets us directly on the path for the series climax. The world is confusing right now, but I hope this issue can offer up a moment of respite to some. 

    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    Shoot, I really did upload it in CMYK didn't I? Here it is again with proper black :) Thanks Mike!!! https://t.co/XuwztsQAbB

    Shoot, I really did upload it in CMYK didn't I? Here it is again with proper black :)

Thanks Mike!!! https://t.co/XuwztsQAbB
    Hayden Sherman@Cleanlined

    Just finished drawing issue 17 of Wasted Space, and this page really ran the gamut with its faces

    Just finished drawing issue 17 of Wasted Space, and this page really ran the gamut with its faces
    Just finished drawing issue 17 of Wasted Space, and this page really ran the gamut with its faces

