Roan during their school days! The scholarly uniform is made to be traditional yet functional--with plenty of ways to attach materials to belts & secure sleeves and hats during flight. Triangles form a major element of the design, in celebration of the alchemical elements.

    Roan during their school days! The scholarly uniform  is made to be traditional yet functional--with plenty of ways to attach materials to belts & secure sleeves and hats during flight. Triangles form a major element of the design, in celebration of the alchemical elements.

    Cramming for an exam late at night can be tiring, but luckily fire sprites love the library lamps and are usually around to light the room and cheer you on (and wake you if you doze off!)

    Cramming for an exam late at night can be tiring, but luckily  fire sprites love the library lamps and are usually around to light the room and cheer you on (and wake you if you doze off!)

    This one's just a biiiiit indulgent ;) '90s #WitchWorld!

    This one's just a biiiiit indulgent ;) '90s #WitchWorld!

    I actually have some WIP to finished of my icon hehe (pencils to digital is my preferred method)

    I actually have some WIP to finished of my icon hehe (pencils to digital is my preferred method)
    I actually have some WIP to finished of my icon hehe (pencils to digital is my preferred method)

    k I finally did the thing #artvsartist2020 #artvsartist

    k I finally did the thing #artvsartist2020 #artvsartist

