Vaughn Pinpin@vaughnpinpin

    Lil throwback to some comics I made after I caught a perfect IV Mint Alcremie. I named her Toofpaste.

    Lil throwback to some comics I made after I caught a perfect IV Mint Alcremie. I named her Toofpaste.
    Lil throwback to some comics I made after I caught a perfect IV Mint Alcremie. I named her Toofpaste.
    Lil throwback to some comics I made after I caught a perfect IV Mint Alcremie. I named her Toofpaste.
    Vaughn Pinpin@vaughnpinpin

    I guess since we're talking about comics pet peeves... Man, the cursive text in some of the Sandman pages were exhausting and a nightmare to read.

    I guess since we're talking about comics pet peeves... Man, the cursive text in some of the Sandman pages were exhausting and a nightmare to read.
    Vaughn Pinpin@vaughnpinpin

    I can't remember if I posted this old Dr. Who comic on Twitter. But I found it again on my Tumblr and I chuckled to myself.

    I can't remember if I posted this old Dr. Who comic on Twitter. But I found it again on my Tumblr and I chuckled to myself.
    Vaughn Pinpin@vaughnpinpin

    Speaking of rando comics tho. I found these under the file name "Untitled-1-Recovered.psd". I don't remember much about these comics, except that I had no plan except to just write whatever comes to mind first.

    Speaking of rando comics tho. I found these under the file name "Untitled-1-Recovered.psd". 

I don't remember much about these comics, except that I had no plan except to just write whatever comes to mind first.
    Vaughn Pinpin@vaughnpinpin
