This goes out to all the ppl who are tired of the struggle. I feel you. Husburr feels it even more, that's why he's the star of this comic. It's worth it to keep going, if only for the hope that it might get better for us someday. Lean on the people you love when you are tired💖

    This goes out to all the ppl who are tired of the struggle. I feel you. Husburr feels it even more, that's why he's the star of this comic.  It's worth it to keep going, if only for the hope that it might get better for us someday. Lean on the people you love when you are tired💖
    This goes out to all the ppl who are tired of the struggle. I feel you. Husburr feels it even more, that's why he's the star of this comic.  It's worth it to keep going, if only for the hope that it might get better for us someday. Lean on the people you love when you are tired💖
    This goes out to all the ppl who are tired of the struggle. I feel you. Husburr feels it even more, that's why he's the star of this comic.  It's worth it to keep going, if only for the hope that it might get better for us someday. Lean on the people you love when you are tired💖
    This goes out to all the ppl who are tired of the struggle. I feel you. Husburr feels it even more, that's why he's the star of this comic.  It's worth it to keep going, if only for the hope that it might get better for us someday. Lean on the people you love when you are tired💖

    Gosh thankyou for all the love on this comic guys! I just broke 14k followers too 👀💦 there sure are a lot of you 💖

    Gosh thankyou for all the love on this comic guys! I just broke 14k followers too 👀💦 there sure are a lot of you 💖

    Back on my True crime shit 😜🔪 #TheBearMinimum #Oldbearcomics

    Back on my True crime shit 😜🔪 #TheBearMinimum #Oldbearcomics
    Back on my True crime shit 😜🔪 #TheBearMinimum #Oldbearcomics
    Back on my True crime shit 😜🔪 #TheBearMinimum #Oldbearcomics
    Back on my True crime shit 😜🔪 #TheBearMinimum #Oldbearcomics

    I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn't qualify as queer. I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike 🐻💧 #Pride2021 (1 of 2)

    I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn't qualify as queer.  I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike 🐻💧 #Pride2021 (1 of 2)
    I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn't qualify as queer.  I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike 🐻💧 #Pride2021 (1 of 2)
    I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn't qualify as queer.  I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike 🐻💧 #Pride2021 (1 of 2)
    I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn't qualify as queer.  I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike 🐻💧 #Pride2021 (1 of 2)

    Not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed. I certainly am not & really enjoy a dirty joke in appropriate settings. Ace just means to not experience physical attraction or desires we can be partners to sexual people just fine! it can just be tricky to understand ppl's motivations (2 of 2)

    Not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed. I certainly am not & really enjoy a dirty joke in appropriate settings. Ace just means to not experience physical attraction or desires we can be partners to sexual people just fine! it can just be tricky to understand ppl's motivations (2 of 2)
    Not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed. I certainly am not & really enjoy a dirty joke in appropriate settings. Ace just means to not experience physical attraction or desires we can be partners to sexual people just fine! it can just be tricky to understand ppl's motivations (2 of 2)
    Not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed. I certainly am not & really enjoy a dirty joke in appropriate settings. Ace just means to not experience physical attraction or desires we can be partners to sexual people just fine! it can just be tricky to understand ppl's motivations (2 of 2)
    Not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed. I certainly am not & really enjoy a dirty joke in appropriate settings. Ace just means to not experience physical attraction or desires we can be partners to sexual people just fine! it can just be tricky to understand ppl's motivations (2 of 2)

