Part of me yearns for a game good enough to waste an unhealthy amount of time on. The more reasonable part knows I don't have time for that these days!! It does hurt to see the game franchises I used to be so invested in, change to the point where I can bearly enjoy them.. 😥🐻🎮
Sketch commish for skynero19 of their dragon character welcoming you to join them at their campfire 🐉🔥
Sometimes a Husburr & a Wifeburr have very different priorities & It leads to a MAULING! PUNISH THE PROCRASTINATOR!!! >:C When I showed him this comic he said it is "Funny because It's true" then picked up the laundry he had been putting off all day 😉 #TheBearMinimum
I feel like I've made several comics about how being a working artist is rough, even though it looks glamorous and 'easy' from the outside. So here's why I have stuck with this work & not gotten a minimum wage job somewhere for so long 🐻🎨 #TheBearMinimum
The 4 eternal moods - I usually find myself regressing to one of these states throughout the day ʕe ᴥ eʔ;; #TheBearMinimum
I wanted to dig a little deeper into what it was like growing up Asexual, too many people gatekeep and suggest that an absence of something doesn't qualify as queer. I was definitely treated as abnormal or broken by well meaning friends & strangers alike 🐻💧 #Pride2021 (1 of 2)
Not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed. I certainly am not & really enjoy a dirty joke in appropriate settings. Ace just means to not experience physical attraction or desires we can be partners to sexual people just fine! it can just be tricky to understand ppl's motivations (2 of 2)
Listen I understand the desire for escapism, but if you're seeing artists posting about politics there is a good chance that they (or ppl they care about) are being severely impacted by those issues! You can't expect us to just speak and post content for your happy UwU zone 🐻💢
I have had some genuinely stupid reasons for having children leveled at me but this one.. hooo... this one my whole family's existence disproves! I am ending a long line of wanderlust ladies skipping all over the commonwealth & that's just fine! Let ppl live their own lives🐻🚫👶
Only time will tell how this comic really ends ;) be continued in 2024? 🐻🐇💬 Also there is a meme in here (or two) can you spot it?
Honestly if I see an artist who is WILDLY out of my price range, I say: Good for them!👍 #OldBearComics #TheBearMinimum
We always talk about romantic heartbreak, the depression that sets in when you end things with a partner. I think there are also some heavy feelings when it comes to ending friendships too. Even if things are ended for good reasons don't deny yourself the time to process the loss
I've had a lot of folks talk down their characters to me "Just a grizzly" etc. I wish they wouldn't because honestly I love working with those! Most animal artists long to be paid to draw wildlife with charm! So shout out to the people with simple, naturalistic designs. I dig ya!