Joe Whitt@joeobligations

    take the no horny anime paraphernalia in public challenge today

    take the no horny anime paraphernalia in public challenge today
    Joe Whitt@joeobligations

    *eraqus voice* and beware his song about black powder, he beats you up while he plays it

    *eraqus voice* and beware his song about black powder, he beats you up while he plays it
    Joe Whitt@joeobligations

    uh oh demyx time

    uh oh demyx time
    Joe Whitt@joeobligations

    @alexisparade made this off the cuff and on the spot and honestly I'm floored. I can't compete w this

    @alexisparade made this off the cuff and on the spot and honestly I'm floored. I can't compete w this
    @alexisparade made this off the cuff and on the spot and honestly I'm floored. I can't compete w this
    Joe Whitt@joeobligations
