we take you to a most illustrious Amelia Family Reunion!! where watsons of all timelinely persuasions gather and dine... but who's that ame in the corner?? #ameliaRT #alterame
i have debated for days whether to post this epilogue....... perceive with caution
been trying to re-learn how to draw comics... my brain has been fried from college you're just gonna have to deal with my mid-'00s YTP references
ok why not: 'amelia completes the ritual' >:D #ameliaRT (https://t.co/zLE2hEZfZ5)
i love eizouken I LOVE EIZOUKEN
ok when the impulse strikes, you just GOTTA make a spongebob comic
when her friends need tech support, amelia is only FAR too willing to be there!! :D #ameliaRT #artsofashes #gawrt
say "キッケリキー!!" :D #artsofashes
in this 3-PAGE edition of "vtuber comix", reine finds a time-travelling solution to all her housekeeping woes! but soon she learns why you can't leave too many amelias in the same room for long... #ameliaRT #Reinessance
in this hastily-scribbled instalment, amelia calls upon her "assistants" for "assistance"... #ameliart