Their first drafts. Don't ask, I am kinda in a hurry, so I think I jump directly to painting for three out of the four characters

    Their first drafts.
Don't ask, I am kinda in a hurry, so I think I jump directly to painting for three out of the four characters
    Their first drafts.
Don't ask, I am kinda in a hurry, so I think I jump directly to painting for three out of the four characters

    Draft for 5 characters-2 shikishi comm for Sara. Finally can resume comm le! My concentration is back, burnout is gone, may it never return~(high hopes but one can always dream w) ... Now the problem is how I transfer the draft to the shikishi board to ink gua.

    Draft for 5 characters-2 shikishi comm for Sara.

Finally can resume comm le! 
My concentration is back, burnout is gone, may it never return~(high hopes but one can always dream w)

... Now the problem is how I transfer the draft to the shikishi board to ink gua.
    Draft for 5 characters-2 shikishi comm for Sara.

Finally can resume comm le! 
My concentration is back, burnout is gone, may it never return~(high hopes but one can always dream w)

... Now the problem is how I transfer the draft to the shikishi board to ink gua.

    A bit mafan and cavemen method but if it works it works. Can't use carbon paper to trace... I tried, n it smudges like I am their mortal enemy lol. Tldr:I shade the underside of the printed out draft, n then retrace the lineart onto shikishi by drawing on the lineart itself.

    A bit mafan and cavemen method but if it works it works.
Can't use carbon paper to trace... I tried, n it smudges like I am their mortal enemy lol.

Tldr:I shade the underside of the printed out draft, n then retrace the lineart onto shikishi by drawing on the lineart itself.
    A bit mafan and cavemen method but if it works it works.
Can't use carbon paper to trace... I tried, n it smudges like I am their mortal enemy lol.

Tldr:I shade the underside of the printed out draft, n then retrace the lineart onto shikishi by drawing on the lineart itself.
    A bit mafan and cavemen method but if it works it works.
Can't use carbon paper to trace... I tried, n it smudges like I am their mortal enemy lol.

Tldr:I shade the underside of the printed out draft, n then retrace the lineart onto shikishi by drawing on the lineart itself.

    Mmm a bit light but it will do. I just needed a guide anyway. Will continue trace the other side tmw before proceed to inking, my hand tired liao.

    Mmm a bit light but it will do. I just needed a guide anyway.

Will continue trace the other side tmw before proceed to inking, my hand tired liao.

    Is it Iftar already? Can I post edy? 😂 Shikishi comm bath 4 no 1-5 for Sara! Resuming delayed comm. Finally have some free time. My apologies for being so slow~ They wanted Zhongli as beach volleyball referee to Al Haitham -Kaveh vs Diluc -Kaeya at the beach.

    Is it Iftar already? Can I post edy? 😂
 Shikishi comm bath 4 no 1-5 for Sara!

Resuming delayed comm. Finally have some free time. My apologies for being so slow~

They wanted Zhongli as beach volleyball referee to Al Haitham -Kaveh vs Diluc -Kaeya at the beach.

