why are all his sexy parts covered by the sleeves 💀💀💀 ENOUGH....

    why are all his sexy parts covered by the sleeves 💀💀💀 ENOUGH....

    guess who got into dungeon meshi a literal week before it ended

    guess who got into dungeon meshi a literal week before it ended

    transfem zoro becos kuina said girls cant be swordsmen and zoro said bet. she looks exactly the same btw butch zoro 4 eva<3

    transfem zoro becos kuina said girls cant be swordsmen and zoro said bet. she looks exactly the same btw butch zoro 4 eva<3

    someone give this man an ibuprofen. theres no way the sword biting isnt giving him mad jaw pain and thats why hes scowling all the time. if you stand too close to zoro you can hear his teeth grinding to nothing #onepiece

    someone give this man an ibuprofen. theres no way the sword biting isnt giving him mad jaw pain and thats why hes scowling all the time. if you stand too close to zoro you can hear his teeth grinding to nothing #onepiece

    a sketch that ill never finish of what i like to call: if acesan happened in opla

    a sketch that ill never finish of what i like to call: if acesan happened in opla