
    Some Alvim Corrêa Appreciation #TheWarOfTheWorlds

    Some Alvim Corrêa Appreciation
    Some Alvim Corrêa Appreciation
    Some Alvim Corrêa Appreciation
    Some Alvim Corrêa Appreciation

    Only now I just find out there's an ongoing Manga Adaptation of The War Of The Worlds and it looks kinda amazing??

    Only now I just find out there's an ongoing Manga Adaptation of The War Of The Worlds and it looks kinda amazing??
    Only now I just find out there's an ongoing Manga Adaptation of The War Of The Worlds and it looks kinda amazing??
    Only now I just find out there's an ongoing Manga Adaptation of The War Of The Worlds and it looks kinda amazing??
    Only now I just find out there's an ongoing Manga Adaptation of The War Of The Worlds and it looks kinda amazing??

    I'm sorry but this is all I see when looking at that deltarune character

    I'm sorry but this is all I see when looking at that deltarune character
    I'm sorry but this is all I see when looking at that deltarune character

    Happy International Animation Day!

    Happy International Animation Day!
    Happy International Animation Day!
    Happy International Animation Day!
    Happy International Animation Day!

    Ending Halloween by saying that these are my favorite horror movies.

    Ending Halloween by saying that these are my favorite horror movies.
    Ending Halloween by saying that these are my favorite horror movies.
    Ending Halloween by saying that these are my favorite horror movies.
    Ending Halloween by saying that these are my favorite horror movies.