
    All art commission for this January is done~ i'll open more slots for February ^^

    All art commission for this January is done~
i'll open more slots for February ^^
    All art commission for this January is done~
i'll open more slots for February ^^
    All art commission for this January is done~
i'll open more slots for February ^^
    All art commission for this January is done~
i'll open more slots for February ^^

    Commission for @NeroDakie some slots are still available if anyone's interested!

    Commission for @NeroDakie 
some slots are still available if anyone's interested!

    Last year promised i would draw Yuffie once her remake design is revealed, so herewegoo~ #FF7RIntergrade #Yuffie

    Last year promised i would draw Yuffie once her remake design is revealed, so herewegoo~

#FF7RIntergrade #Yuffie
    Last year promised i would draw Yuffie once her remake design is revealed, so herewegoo~

#FF7RIntergrade #Yuffie

    Miss Endo be teasing the Newguy knowing full well he won't take the bait. Art idea inspired by Dojirou. NewGuy belongs to @kakihoden Background characters: Sonja and Snowcie belongs to @khatnid and @sn0wcie respectively Sleepy girl belongs to @fayappa #olverse

    Miss Endo be teasing the Newguy  knowing full well he won't take the bait. Art idea inspired by Dojirou. 
NewGuy  belongs to @kakihoden 
 Background characters:
Sonja and Snowcie belongs to @khatnid and @sn0wcie respectively
 Sleepy girl belongs to @fayappa
    Miss Endo be teasing the Newguy  knowing full well he won't take the bait. Art idea inspired by Dojirou. 
NewGuy  belongs to @kakihoden 
 Background characters:
Sonja and Snowcie belongs to @khatnid and @sn0wcie respectively
 Sleepy girl belongs to @fayappa

    ''I heard my clothes are making you uncomfortable, guess i'll take em off'' Miss Endo requested Livi-chan (belongs to @pearculiar ) for a secret photo-op #OLverse

    ''I heard my clothes are making you uncomfortable, guess i'll take em off'' 
Miss Endo requested Livi-chan (belongs to @pearculiar ) for a secret photo-op
    ''I heard my clothes are making you uncomfortable, guess i'll take em off'' 
Miss Endo requested Livi-chan (belongs to @pearculiar ) for a secret photo-op

