The beef was my new oc :^) This girl does not understand a single pick up line- don't even try to make gym related ones because she'll just talk your ear off about gains

    The beef was my new oc :^)
This girl does not understand a single pick up line- don't even try to make gym related ones because she'll just talk your ear off about gains

    [Ocs] The woman who's as subtle as a hammer against glass :^) If she can't get through Lottie's muscle brains- then no one can

    [Ocs] The woman who's as subtle as a hammer against glass :^)
If she can't get through Lottie's muscle brains- then no one can

    I gotta put a close up of this- because Tati's face is so funny to me (also Lottie's patting her stomach cause it calms her down, ain't helping rn though)

    I gotta put a close up of this- because Tati's face is so funny to me (also Lottie's patting her stomach cause it calms her down, ain't helping rn though)

    I'm legally allowed to be annoying because it's MY day. 🤼🛌🏾👊🏾👁️👄👁️ #InternationalLesbianDay

    I'm legally allowed to be annoying because it's MY day. 🤼🛌🏾👊🏾👁️👄👁️
    I'm legally allowed to be annoying because it's MY day. 🤼🛌🏾👊🏾👁️👄👁️
    I'm legally allowed to be annoying because it's MY day. 🤼🛌🏾👊🏾👁️👄👁️
    I'm legally allowed to be annoying because it's MY day. 🤼🛌🏾👊🏾👁️👄👁️

    [OCs] I wanted to see if I could draw my oldest ocs from memory- the answer is no (but they came out prettier)

    [OCs] I wanted to see if I could draw my oldest ocs from memory- the answer is no (but they came out prettier)