@Agent00DICE Décidément c'est la soirée du jugement...

    @Agent00DICE Décidément c'est la soirée du jugement...

    Jumping in the merge you favs bandwagon !! Seems like I have a thing for bitchy leading men with scars hehe

    Jumping in the merge you favs bandwagon !! Seems like I have a thing for bitchy leading men with scars hehe

    OC mashup trade with @Agent00DICE !!! such good tastes in favs aaaaaaarg //A (I hope you'll like the result !)

    OC mashup trade with @Agent00DICE  !!! such good tastes in favs aaaaaaarg //A
(I hope you'll like the result !)
    OC mashup trade with @Agent00DICE  !!! such good tastes in favs aaaaaaarg //A
(I hope you'll like the result !)

    my flatmate just reminded me of another one of my favs and... yes okay I definitively have a scars kink !?! (it's Marco from Gangsta! )

    my flatmate just reminded me of another one of my favs and... yes okay I definitively have a scars kink !?!
(it's Marco from Gangsta! )

    04. A villain OC I loOooove bad guys but oddly I don't really have any villain OC yet ! but I gess Romane and 'Lex are the closest good guy doing bad things and bad guy doing good things I have yet ^/

    04. A villain OC
I loOooove bad guys but oddly I don't really have any villain OC yet ! but I gess Romane and 'Lex are the closest good guy doing bad things and bad guy doing good things I have yet ^/

