
    More sketches ft. Quasimoto, Luigi and Ninten

    More sketches ft. Quasimoto, Luigi and Ninten
    More sketches ft. Quasimoto, Luigi and Ninten
    More sketches ft. Quasimoto, Luigi and Ninten

    @aeroy_wav the only thing i can say is it has nice lighting and decent pixel art? the color palette and characters are just like, idk so bland and uninspired. I never even played Chronotrigger or any Final Fantasy but they look way more interesting than Octopath's cast

    @aeroy_wav the only thing i can say is it has nice lighting and decent pixel art? the color palette and characters are just like, idk so bland and uninspired. I never even played Chronotrigger or any Final Fantasy but they look way more interesting than Octopath's cast
    @aeroy_wav the only thing i can say is it has nice lighting and decent pixel art? the color palette and characters are just like, idk so bland and uninspired. I never even played Chronotrigger or any Final Fantasy but they look way more interesting than Octopath's cast
    @aeroy_wav the only thing i can say is it has nice lighting and decent pixel art? the color palette and characters are just like, idk so bland and uninspired. I never even played Chronotrigger or any Final Fantasy but they look way more interesting than Octopath's cast

    @MorsGames this is as good as my flashback concept art dw

    @MorsGames this is as good as my flashback concept art dw

    @LJARINO @CoolioDavid

    @LJARINO @CoolioDavid

    some'll be done by @Cydure too cuz he wanted to join in

    some'll be done by @Cydure too cuz he wanted to join in